One easy sweet which can be prepared very fast, when you receive a short notice of guest visit.
Bessan -2&1/2 cup
Ghee - 1/2cup
Sugar- 1&1/2cup
Powdered cardomom- little
Nuts- of your choice(i used sliced almonds)
1. Heat the ghee,fry the besan in slim for 10 mts slowly till you can feel the aroma.
2. Add cardomom powder and gradually sugar in the mixture.
3. Slowly mix it for cook for another 10 mts.
4. Allow it coolfor 10-15mts and make into desired shape,decorate with nuts.
Delicious sweet! Love it! So cute and tempting!
The recipe seems delicious and temting!
Lovely snaps!!
mouthwatering sweet
looks so nice Usha. feel like picking a piece!
I have some awards waiting for you at my blog. Please feel free to collect them. And I will be delighted to see your Honest 7 Facts. Happy Blogging:)
Believe it or not my hubby likes besan based dishes only in its sweet form - thanks for the yet another great recipe to try- he will definitely love this one :)
US Masala
Tempting and delicious,looks so yummy..
Hi Nandhini,
Thanks alot...
Hi Mano Mam,
Happy to see you and your lovely comment...thanks alot/
HI Jeyashri,
Thanks alot ma.
Hi Sharmi,
Thanks...come home dear ,,can have more..:))
Thanks so much for recognising me and passing such a precious awards....
Its giving me more energy and happy thanks...
Hi aipi,
Sure you willhubby will like this receipe...give a try and let me know.
Thanks alot.
Hi Suja,
Thanks pa/
Traditional one right. Reminds me about Besan Ka Laddu... YUM!
Thanks for this quick recipe cute
Super Duper sweet!
Hi Sukanya,
Yep even i feel same.
Thanks pa.
Hi Now serving,
Thanks alot...
wow ..a simple and quick sweet .Thank u .It satisfies my sweet cravings .
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